Woman Gets Daily Photos Of Her Cat Named Chopper “Living” In Neighbors’ Houses

Having a cat can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work, especially because cats are often extremely independent and like to live a life free of constraints.

As Chopper, a friendly cat that has always been recognised for his willingness to explore the outdoors and meet new people.

This fuzzy has always had the habit of wandering around his neighbourhood, looking for new places to visit.

When he and his family moved to a new neighbourhood, his parents expected him to soon become everyone’s best friend.

Chopper’s mother, Holly-anne Neveen, told The Dodo:

“Our former neighbors knew who he was because he was a thief who would sneak into their homes through the back doors if they were left unlocked.

The lovely kitten now spends every day exploring his new surroundings and visiting his new best mates.

He has been spending more time outside than normal in recent days as a result of his family adopting a new kitten, which he still dislikes.

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