The appearance of the daughters of Brooke Shields was the center of discussions

Charming Brooke Shields worked as a model and acted in films from early childhood. Nevertheless, she became widely known at the age of 14 when she starred in the film “The Blue Lagoon”.

The angelic beauty of the young actress charmed the audience. Brooke was truly considered the most beautiful woman in the world.

Over the years, the actress, of course, has transformed. Brooke Shields is now 57 years old. It is difficult to recognize the former beauty in her.

Of course, fans hoped that the actress’s daughters would inherit their mother’s beauty. By the way, the actress is the mother of two daughters.

Rowan and Grier. The actress gave birth to daughters from her second husband, Chris Henchy.

Amazingly, the father’s genes were stronger. The daughters of the actress did not inherit the rare beauty of their mother. “No grace, no gloss,” say netizens.

Many are unhappy with this fact. There are those who believe that the actress should have chosen her husband more carefully. After all, daughters cannot stand comparison with a beautiful mother.

“Mom has a breed, girls don’t”, “The whole gene pool is down the drain”, “The girls are quite ordinary, inconspicuous”, and “Mom was more beautiful at their age,” they write on the Web.

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