Saviour of the day: Brave man jumps into frozen lake to save drowning duck

After rescuing a drowning duck from a frozen lake in his village, this nice Norwegian man has been hailed as a hero.

Images of 36-year-old Lars Jrun Langien rescuing the poor bird went viral, earning him the moniker “King of Ducks” on the internet.

Jumping into a freezing lake may not seem like a good idea, but it appears that Lars does it all the time. Lars, a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and one of his coworkers, Yngvil Sholt, 33, are so fond of swimming that they do it even when the temperature drops below zero.

That’s what occurred this time, but in addition to swimming, Lars also rescued a duck’s life.

When the two guys were about to plunge into the lake in their swimsuits, they noticed a duck strolling on the thin ice. They were admiring it when the unfortunate creature became engulfed in ice.

Lars saw the duck was in serious distress right away and went in to help it without hesitation.

Witnessing the spectacular rescue from the shore, Yngvil couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. He even took a few photos of the event!

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