Golden Retriever spots injured bald eagle and saves its life: The Goldie could tell something was “off”

A man’s best friend is his dog. They are the most devoted, loyal, and protective creatures on the planet. As you’ll see, those characteristics benefit a wide range of creatures.

Kerrie Burns and Pam Weber were out walking along the Sucker River in Duluth, Minnesota, where it meets Lake Superior. Kenai, Burns’ dog, began barking at that point.

A bald eagle was sighted in the brush by Kenai, a 3-year-old golden retriever. The dog continued to bark.

“The eagle hopped out of the bushes and down to the coast line shortly after,” Burns added.

“Fortunately, she has been taught not to hunt animals. She stopped barking after she notified me and I noticed what she was gazing at.”

The eagle’s feathers had become ice cold.

It had also sustained a shoulder injury. The animal revealed evidence of lead toxicity after additional investigation.

The staff offered the eagle fluids and pain medicine because they thought the injury might be fixed.

Burns and Weber then transported the injured eagle to the University of Minnesota’s Raptor Center in St. Paul.

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